A dip in the pool and a trip to the farm. That's yesterday for you in one sentence. Yesterday was a really lazy day. The weather was beautiful, so we were laying in the pool catching the last hot rays of the summer sun. After a really relaxing afternoon I was eager to get off my butt and do something, so we went biking around with Emma. I am used to riding a city bike, so riding on this huge mountain bike was pretty strange.
We drove down to the lake and regretted not taking our bikinis with us. The water was warm and clear. We decided that today we'd go out for a swim before heading off to choose our courses.
After dinner yesterday we went to a farm near by to get some green beans. I haven't been to a farm in ages. Okay, it wasn't an actual farm with cows and pigs, but a vegetable farm with pretty much everything. It was absolutely beautiful out there, and so peaceful. They grew all the vegetables you can think of, and strawberries and raspberries too. It was really nice, but the city is still where i belong.
At the moment I am sipping on my coffee, ah heaven, and soon I'll be heading out to the lake with Emma.
I still feel a little strange being here, but everything has gone really well so far. School is just around the corner though, and that makes me a little nervous.
Nasu likes the second pic! <3
VastaaPoistahaha varmasti ;)
VastaaPoistaLooks like Finland!! paitsi ei eka kuva. :D hyvä et pidät blogii pystyn stalkkaa sua paremmin hahah toi ei kuulostanu hyvält tiiän :DD
VastaaPoistaHyvä et kaikki on menny hyvin ja good luck on your first day of school!! miss you <3
haha no tät on tosi kiva kirjottaa :) glad et jotain ees kiinnostaa lukee tät :P miss you too!
VastaaPoistaja joo tääl luonto on tosi samanlaist ku suomes!