sunnuntai 20. marraskuuta 2011

la vie est beau

I'm officially high on life. I know, I know it sounds kind of lame, but I don't know how else to put it. I feel like for the past week I have just been smiling non-stop. Especially yesterday and today. Well I guess there is a special someone I can thank for that.

Last weekend was pretty fun. On Friday we went over to a friends house after going out for supper with my host family at the Chinese restaurant. We had a very laid back night full of girl talk and a hot tub. I almost fell asleep in the hot tub though. I felt so relaxed. Saturday night we went to a party at a friend's ice hut. Yes an ice hut. It is a little difficult me to explain exactly what an ice hut is, but I will try. It is this little hut that a couple guys from my school built for it to be moved to a lake for the winter to go fishing in. I have a feeling though, that it will be more of a place for partying. Anyway I had a really fun night.

On Sunday we had a little movie night, because we didn't have school the next day. It felt super nice to have the Monday off. Especially since I went out for a nice dinner with Riley. The school week felt short and I was completely mixed up with the days.

Thursday morning we had this intervention thing against bullying, which was a really good experience. We started out with a simple listening exercise and then we were divided into small groups in which we had to do a couple activities. The "host" of the intervention then announced that we had to start out with the phrase "If you really knew me, you would know that..." and then we had to share something personal. Of course you didn't absolutely have to, but I was inspired to hear how people opened up and told really personal things about themselves. So I decided to try it myself, but I completely choked up and began to cry. I was not the only one crying in that room though. If you looked around you could see so many people who had tears running down their cheeks. Another activity, which I found interesting was one in which we all stood in a line next to the wall and the host would say things like: "If you have ever been teased about the way you look, step froward", and "If you have ever been humiliated in class, step forward." It was really an eye-opener to see just how many people have been teased. It was kind of shocking to me actually.

Yesterday morning we went out for another hunting trip. Haha, I know what you dear readers are thinking that it is so unlike me. But once again I must say that it is just so gorgeous out there in the woods, especially now that it had been snowing. It is so peaceful out there. One of the trails we went into was filled with holes of water, which were just barely frozen, so it was like a true obstacle course walking around them. Also some of you may know, Kat, Ad and Ville especially, that I sometimes have the tendency to fall. Well this time I managed to slip on a branch and take a dip in the knee high freezing water hole. I did yell out a couple swear words, but ended up laughing hysterically. Emma and Riley could not stop laughing at me either. The cherry on top was that around 10 minutes later I tried to jump over one of the holes and apparently I can't jump as far as I thought I could so I almost ended up falling into the water again. Thank God Riley was there to catch me! My other foot was completely numb and when we got to the car we put the heating on full power just so I could have feeling back in my poor little toes.

Later that day Riley came over for dinner, which really meant a lot for both of us. After dinner we just hung out here for a while talking with my host-parents and then we went over to Riley's grandparent's house. His grandparents are awesome and I always feel so welcomed when I go there. Even though it was just the second time being there. After visiting them we went over to Riley's put on a movie and pretty much fell asleep on the couch. after a long day.

Today we went on a extempore trip to Timmins. I just started skyping with mom when my host-mom came downstairs to tell me we would be going to Timmins. So I quickly gave my mom a recap of what is going on and asked her how she was, brushed my teeth, got dressed and we left straight away. Now I am pretty much done with my Christmas shopping and I am actually really excited for Christmas. It will be a whole different experience for me.

Wow I have rambled on for quite a bit now. I don't have that many pictures to put up, but here is a few:

My awesome orange hat.

Had to buy that bottle!

I love Wal-Mart.

2 kommenttia:

  1. heeei ihana kuulla et sul menee hyvin!:) ja ei vitsi toi ohjelma mikä teil oli koulus on sama ku mitä kerran mtv:s näytettiiin:P

  2. joo osa niist tehtävist oli vissii otettu siit ohjelmast :) en tiiä kuka oot mut jep kiva kuulla et sust on kiva kuulla et mul menee hyvin haha :D
